Here at Honestly, we're keeping it rolling with our fourth episode. It's hard to believe we're already in our fourth week, and we, of course, would like to thank everyone who has been tuning in to listen to us. We hope that you will share our podcast with your friends and comment in often, either here or on our FaceBook page.
This week, we are talking about Genetically Modified Foods and childhood.
Should we be allowed to modify foods at the genetic level? Should we be worried, or it all a lot of worry for nothing? Where do you think we'll fall on the issue? Listen in to find out! Then, we take on childhood...from expecting children to sit in a classroom for eight hours a day to extending the age of adulthood, what does it mean to be a child in 2015?
Both topics are loaded, and there are bound to be all sorts of feelings. We wanna hear yours.
CLICK HERE to access this week's podcast on Soundcloud!